Partnership charter between the Cantonal Employment Office (OCE) and private employers

Partnership charter between the Cantonal Employment Office (OCE) and private employers

The cantonal employment office (OCE), the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève (FER Genève) and the Union des associations patronales genevoises (UAPG) have entered into a partnership agreement aimed at promoting the recruitment, with equal skills, of job seekers registered with the OCE.

  • Date: 2020-08-31

By signing this charter, the signatory company undertakes to announce to the OCE all of its vacant positions, in addition to the currently existing legal obligation to announce vacant positions in the types of professions where the rate of national unemployment exceeds 5%. For its part, the OCE undertakes to propose, within 5 working days of receiving the email announcing the vacant position, candidates corresponding to the profiles sought. Ultimately, the employer remains perfectly free to hire or not to hire the candidates proposed by the state. By signing this charter, the company is therefore making a non-binding moral commitment that can be denounced at any time. A list of exceptions (intra-group transfer, trainee, etc.) to be agreed is possible.

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Posted on: 31-08-2020